
Average score 1064 Reviews
Christophe Bigot noted on Google

5 months ago
Emilio Manjarrez noted on Google

Perfect place!!! Excellent service!!!!

5 months ago
celine Martin noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Good Korean restaurant with choice and fresh produce. Great discovery in a nice area of ​​Paris. (Original) Bon restaurant coréen avec du choix et des produits frais . Belle découverte dans un quartier sympa de Paris .

5 months ago
Lady VR noted on Google

(Translated by Google) I like this Korean restaurant, it's one of my favorites, the atmosphere is pleasant, the price is right and the dishes are tasty. I recommend this place. (Original) J'aime bien ce resto coréen, il fait partie de mes favorites, l'ambiance est agréable, le prix correct et les plats sont savoureux. Je recommande cet endroit.

5 months ago
Laure Martinez noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Meals at 6. We were in the quiet upstairs room. We ate very well ! The stew for 2 is very hearty. (Original) Repas à 6. Nous étions dans la salle du haut au calme. Nous avons très bien mangé ! Le ragoût pour 2 est très copieux.

5 months ago
Francesco Dandini noted on Google

(Translated by Google) We had a very good time, the kitchen was closing for the lunch break but we were served by the very kind and helpful staff with a varied and well-made choice of fixed menu. We enjoyed the different dishes chosen that we split between us and were very satisfied. (Original) Ci siamo trovati molto bene, la cucina era in chiusura per la pausa pranzo ma siamo stati serviti dal personale molto gentile e disponibile con una scelta di menù fisso varia e ben fatta. Abbiamo apprezzato i diversi piatti scelti che ci siamo divisi tra noi e siamo rimasti molto soddisfatti.

5 months ago
Fernand Smadja noted on Google

5 months ago
Elsa noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good Korean restaurant! We ate very well, the Korean barbecue is very good, the quantities of side dishes could be bigger for the price (Original) Très bon restaurant coréen ! Nous avons très bien mangé, le barbecue coréen est très bon, les quantités des accompagnements pourraient être plus grosses pour le prix

5 months ago
Romane Quenon noted on Google

5 months ago
Nicolas Lésel noted on Google

5 months ago

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